Sunday, 11 March 2012

Spring Break Thoughts

Has it really been almost four months since I last posted? And almost two months since the new year (of the Dragon) and when the spring semester started? The 2L spring is going by so fast that I hardly found time to take a breath. When spring break finally arrived yesterday, I felt at a loss because for the first time in ages, I did not have pressing things to get done.

Anyway, taking some time away from the law (as much as I could) and from New York City has been salubrious. I felt the peace and energizing spirit as I stepped off the LIRR at Garden City station. I jogged, free from time and the cars whizzing by, down the broad boulevards from Garden City to Manhasset. I finally saw my family. Today, I indulged in a concert with Haydn and Beethoven - much welcomed after weeks immersed in the law.

I hope this weekend will bring me some renewal and new purpose in making this semester and year fulfilling. There is much to do and many to encounter. I hope I will arrive back refreshed and more committed to my goals and principles. For break, I am catching up on reading Steven Brill's Class Warfare, a book about education reform and featuring my organization. It's worth a read, for all of us who are concerned about and interested in the next generation of Americans.