Sunday, 8 November 2009

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Health Care Reform -

It's about time! The most important question now is which will finish sooner - my analysis of the House bill or the Senate's version...

2. Public Health -

An informative article, which illustrates the field of public health (and law at work). It does imply that the workers have much say in directing where vaccines go, even when they might not.

3. State Politics -

Humility? For New Yorkers? Ha! Try telling that to those Yankee Universe subjects who stampeded the subways Friday. Seriously though, I like Bloomberg and believe that he is a great mayor, but maybe the historical patterns that the Observer cites will keep him on his toes.

4. Supreme Court -

Another anachronistic practice; the Supreme Court should strike down such laws and give the imprisoned youths a chance at parole.

5. US Congress -

A radical idea and highly entertaining to read. But, would James Madison really approve?

6. Music Education -

No, one cannot learn music that way. Music is learned through individual involvement and interaction between tutor, student and instrument. A digital medium cannot transcend those criteria.

7. Fundamentalism -

An inadequately developed article: 1) Is it internal or external forces that are more undoing fundamentalism?; 2) Do the same processes affect Christian, Jewish and Islamic fundamentalism, and how equally?; 3) Can't fundamentalism evolve and thrive in a dissimilar yet viable form?; 4) Is fundamentalism really intellectually and politically bankrupt?

8. Theatre -

An awesome experience - I think that increasingly, theatre is including audience participation, which will help it stay fresh and interesting.

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