Sunday, 13 December 2009

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Climate Change:

A good point: greenhouse gases do not stem from only fossil fuels. Peat, like many other natural deposits, contain sizable organic material that releases CO2 when burnt. The scientific community finally is looking to deforestation and burning as other, major causes of global warming.

2. Al-Qaeda:

The situation in Yemen is alarming, and hearkens back to Afghanistan in the early 1990s. The U.S. should focus on restoring peace in Yemen lest it become another lawless state and haven to al-Qaeda.

3. Hope:

Ideally, we should be able to live (and act) in the present but still think about the future. Striking a balance is key. The article should define what constitutes "within reason".

4. Race:

Race is like an original sin, something America can never dissociate itself from. Let's hope Barack Obama and his presidential legacy can help pave way for more progress on racial relations.

5. Online Universities:

Copyright law currently does not cover enough about dissemination via the internet. Overall, I think websites such as Finalsclub are socially beneficial, but professors, as the original sources of the information, should have final say. How universities deal with professors who do (not) permit such dissemination is a matter of internal policy.

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