Sunday, 4 April 2010

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Health Care:

This is a problem, and contributes to driving up costs. Regulators should include rules that make it difficult to acquire insurance only for brief catastrophic losses.

2. Public Discourse:

I agree - many of the expletives, including the f- word, are unsuitable for public discourse, especially by those we hold to be of high esteem. Better manners in speech should be expected of us all.

3. Easter:

A good observation, but the secular and commercial aspects of the holiday, e.g. the Easter bunny, are the actual drivers across the divide.

4. Popular Culture:

I guess we are used to giving one another second chances to remedy wrongs. It's part of our nature. We would hold the same for celebrities, however heinous their lack of judgment.

5. Anti-corruption:

I still do not see how this works, although empirically it seems sound. Handing a venal official a "zero rupee note" hardly seems to be a financial incentive or legal sanction that influences major behavioral change.

6. Anti-obesity:

Yes! Financial incentives, not legal sanctions or voluntary participation. That goes for health care alignment too.

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