Sunday, 27 June 2010

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Art History:

This artifact may be valuable, esp. if the photography was taken by Louis Daguerre himself. I have to see it if I stop by Peabody Museum.

2. Online Comments:

I agree: having a venue for anonymous speech is essential in a democracy. Media should look for other ways to cut out the inappropriate comments without chilling speech.

3. Online Speech:

I do not know the New Hampshire test, but it looks sound. I wonder whether this type of controversy is a constitutional or purely defamation question, but the courts are likely to balance the several rights and interests by treating the topic as a constitutional issue.

4. New Orleans:

Like Haiti, New Orleans has suffered at the hands of its unfortunate geography. Much bravo to the residents there for sticking through calamity after calamity.

5. Social Hierarchy:

I agree: some sort of hierarchy or status is necessary for society to function and to maintain some sort of order. It is too much hierarchy or blind following of status that is dangerous.

6. Taxes:

Wouldn't it be cool to only have voluntary taxes? We would only pay for services or expenditures we deem important (e.g. no to Afghanistan).

7. Elitism:

I am almost fed up with the anti-elitism in the mainstream culture and media. Why denigrate Harvard and its alumni just because they attend Harvard? If they are particularly bright or accomplished, they deserve their just deserts.

8. English Language:

I do not like the Academy idea: what made English so dominant is that it had no central authority, and could expand or jettison words with the times.

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