Saturday, 2 October 2010

Law school tales

I haven't posted for a while, mostly because of the start of law school. I have been busy adjusting to the classes and meeting new people. I'll try to update every weekend (a big IF), but most probably will not have time for Wednesday topical discussions or Sunday Globe article summaries.

Some random thoughts...

1. I have great professors, but many of them like to tease the Red Sox - which makes them not so great.

2. Captain Torts, Major Contracts, Lieutenant Leg Reg, Brigadier Civ Pro. Private LWRAP.

3. Jean's Place offers cheap and great soup, daily.

4. I thought driving in NY was tough, but GA sure puts a lot on my mind.

5. I should drink, but won't.

6. I should vote, and will.

7. Southern hospitality is not a myth folks (yes, especially you northerners).

8. Supreme Court podcast is coming out Monday, but Football Weekly is way more important.

9. Currently listening to Five for Fighting, Beatles (again), Telemann.

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