Sunday 23 May 2010

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Boston Sports:

Winning generates fans, obviously. The contrasting fortunes of Boston's Celtics and Red Sox is a blessing: it shows the true, loyal fans from the bandwagon ones.

2. College Education:

I agree: college education is not cost effective: the value is not worth the cost. Creating vocational alternatives should help students who cannot afford or are unsuited for college.

3. European Social Policy:

It's about time to wake up Europe. While I do not advocate for America's cutthroat individualistic capitalism, Europe should examine their social welfare model and cut out unnecessary programs.

4. Chinese Jargon:

Discard the old communist jargon. Do not look at ancient literature either. Use language that is current and practical. Looking backwards will be fatal - something many Chinese do not get.

5. Climate Regulation:

I agree: the EPA must retain its ability to regulate greenhouse gases, something quite patent from the Clear Air Act.

6. Urban Horticulture:

A useful and insightful perspective. Many commonly-assumed weeds serve important roles in urban ecosystems. Horticulturalists and botanists should study them for beneficial effects, and I hope, the public will catch up.

7. Monarchy and Democracy:

I'm unconvinced, and still baffled: what substantive benefits do monarchies offer democracies? It seems to me that royal powers are largely ceremonial and only appear to have effect because elected leaders permit them.

8. Terry Francona:

Much bravo to Terry Francona, whose job is as hard as Barack Obama's (ok, maybe a bit less exaggerated). I never knew he coached Michael Jordan in the 1990s!

9. Mt. Auburn Cemetery:

I visited Mt. Auburn in summer of 2007, and still hope to revisit. I recommend anyone in Boston for a while to stop by and enjoy walking through its history.

10. Islam and West Relations:

A sound and convincing argument (including support for the ancient axiom). The West is just starting to realize the effects of their previous political alliances with many Islamic militants.

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