Sunday 13 June 2010

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. BP and Legal Remedy:

I agree wholeheartedly - standards and liability should be strict for polluters and businesses engaging in such high risk enterprises.

2. Character Sketch:

This is what a character sketch of a person lacking in character looks like. Not much of a sketch, or just a sketchy description.

3. Human Psychology/Nature:

It's an insightful article that has good points. I agree that we should kill ourselves for mistakes and classify people based on how mistaken-prone they are. Nonetheless, having a self-critical, even up to unforgiving, attitude toward mistakes, esp. those avoidable or repeated, may be the fruit for individual success.

4. Flags and Politics:

Flags are important and represent movements. The fact that the Tea Party cannot agree on a flag, or set of flags, without having reservations signifies how divided they are.

5. Urban Literacy:

The idea is worthwhile but has a major problem - getting people with different tastes and backgrounds to read one book. It's philosophically quixotic and practically infeasible (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating). Perhaps for Boston, there are too many books or the city's too literate?

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