Sunday, 7 February 2010

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Environmental Regulation:

The EPA should retain broad jurisdiction over various commercial practices that impact the environment, including these situations. In carrying out climate change reform, regulators should not relax on other methods that similarly damage the environment.

2. Law Schools:

Too many law schools! Too many law schools! Before jumping to conclusions, let's remember that this law school may save taxpayers money by streamlining a private school. Then again, it might be a long accreditation process by the ABA...

3. Studying history:

A good tribute to Zinn within the profession and laudable approaches to history. Archaeoscience and environmental history are definitely important and worth studying, but the Pacific theory and neurohistory have yet to convince me.

4. Geopolitics:

The author is right: Asia, while economically strong, is still fragmented politically. Therefore, it will never - I say confidently - behave as a bloc in global politics.

5. Taxation Policy:

Taxes will always divide people. I think it is true that today, we generally view taxes as evil and draining on our wallets with little appreciable return. Could the Constitution with its broad authority for Congress and states to levy taxes and duties pass today?

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