Sunday, 21 February 2010

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. College Admissions:

An innovative approach, and something worth experimenting. But the fear of wealth disadvantage is real, and let's be honest: written skills in preparing an essay is still more valuable, and should be judged as such, than video skills.

2. Drug Regulation:

Senators should question FDA on why they are so lax on post-market regulation in general.

3. Academics:

A good article and something relevant for students, universities and employers: a grade is not just a grade. Strict GPA requirements, such as Cum Laude, should take into account the difficulty of classes as well. Students should be encouraged to experiment and take difficult classes.

4. Personal Finance:

I know, planning for retirement ideally should start now, but there are so many other financial responsibilities...

5. Rules of Writing:

Writing should be based on general principles. While some rules should remain necessary, outdated rules should be jettisoned, and grammarians should not quibble so much. After all, language is organic.

6. African-American History:

An interesting study, and illuminating. Upon reading just this review, I find the argument of multiple migrations convincing and more profound in delineating African-American history.

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