Sunday 4 October 2009

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Health Care Reform -

The hospitals have a right to complain - global budgets do not work. A solution is needed so that providers, insurers and perhaps the government share the risk for catastrophic events, not have one side bear all of it.

2. Supreme Court -

This upcoming term (starts Monday, wow!) will be decided by Chief Justice Roberts, above all others. It will be interesting to see to what extent he tries to curtail the ambitious programs of the Obama administration and the Democrat Congress.

3. Baseball -

Angels lack answers, or Angels do not want to answer? Either way, Dan S. is too intrusive and exaggerates this inferiority complex the Angels have against the Red Sox.

4. History of Medicine -

A very interesting article, pertinent to my course of undergraduate studies and to debates today. But do you seriously think that Americans today can resolve some of the abstract questions that the Founders generation could not (ex. whether health care is a gov't responsibility)?

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