Sunday 11 October 2009

Today's Boston Globe articles

1. Health Care Reform -

I see the rationale for global budgets, but still do not believe that they work. However, limiting provider choices for consumers is a good thing that most of us take for granted. The question is whether teaching hospitals, which have benefitted so much from loose regulation, will give up any of their market.

2. Red Sox -

Somewhat or maybe too true. It is a combination of factors - the recent success, the lack of a team "persona", attentions elsewhere, the economy. Maybe another comeback against the Angels and a bout with the Yanks will wake up the fandom.

3. Tourism -

A great insight from the Observer. It repeats a mantra of tourism - one often forgets about the attractions at one's local area. I wonder whether there is much foliage here in Long Island...

4. State Government -

The judge is justified in criticizing California. Granted that government needs to be of the people, but leaving law and policy at the hands of a fickle and often uneducated public only can lead to general ineffectiveness and instability.

5. Foreign Relations -

This is great news for Turkey, Armenia and the world in general. Nonetheless, I wonder whether the pact will have much substantive effect without a mutual understanding or interpretation of history.

6. Family Law -

I agree that we need clarified legal definitions and terms of sperm/egg bank donations. I wonder whether the restrictive principle argued by the author - that anonymity be maintained except in life/death cases - will encounter any substantial opposition.

7. Health Care Reform -

True, but there is adequate research mechanisms already for measuring spending. The author should cite which types are useful - evidence-based, clinical trials, retrospective observational studies? Also, much of reform is not necessarily aimed towards spending, but incentives.

8. Political Activism -

The correlation (and maybe causation) is strong and convincing. It is still likely that the very social nature of activism is the underlying source of happiness, which one can also get from attending religious service, or brunching with friends.

9. History of Science -

Oh great, another cause for American exceptionalism, just kidding; the 'America' on the map refers to the whole continent. I still think the author is overstating the effect of the Waldseemuller map on Copernicus' reasoning.

10. Moustaches -

Ha, a very interesting social history. I'm surprised that the popularity of the moustache is so strongly associated with celebrity or heroic endorsement thereof. Should I go trim mine?

11. Naval History -

A lacking review, which does not entice the reader to get the book. Is the book focusing on Hudson himself, the voyage, the crew, or naval exploration in general? Does the author have a strong theory about Hudson's fate or that of the crew, esp. its more infamous members?

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